3 Questions To Ask For Powerful Self Healing


Lovely friend, who would you be today if you had received the kind of nurturing and care that you needed earlier in life?

Writing is deeply healing for the mind, body, and soul.

When was the last time you picked up your journal and spent some time reflecting with intention on your life?

No need to be hard on yourself if it’s been a while.

There is always room to start again.

Your journal and writing practice is a beautiful, free way to focus inward, find your center, and hear the voice within that has been trying to get your attention.

There’s a real art to using your inner wisdom to create powerful change in your day to day life. The sweet spot is taking what you learn and immediately applying to to behavior change right now, in this moment.

You are worthy of support, love, empathy, joy, celebration, play, connection, creative expression, safety, imagination—right now, exactly as you are.

3 Questions To Ask For Powerful Self Healing

  1. Who would you be today if you had received ideal nurturing?

  2. What would you have been given that you weren’t?

  3. How can you use this information today to re-parent yourself?

Ready to reclaim your life?


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