Journal Prompts for Purpose Discovery


You are here for a reason, make no mistake. The wild world wants you to thrive and embrace your unique purpose as much as it wants that for every other being here.

There are a thousand contributing factors for why so many people struggle to find and embody their purpose. Here are the main blocks:

  • Self doubt

  • Seeking external approval and validation

  • Pursue from the ego instead of from the soul

  • Thinking vocation / career and purpose are the same … they actually aren’t!

  • Challenged by silence and lack the quiet space needed to actually hear the whispers of soul.

  • Resisting the journey, which is a shadow world, underworld journey

    • Sorry friend, but no one escapes this journey … we can go willingly or be taken unwillingly to the underworld through a crisis

  • Trying to think your way to the answer instead of leading with a “body first” intuitive knowing

If we desire an outward life of purpose and clarity we must turn and face our inner world and make the descent.

Joseph Campbell is quoted as saying, “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” You must transform unhealthy patterns, limiting beliefs, and stories that you hold about yourself if you wish to embody your life’s purpose. You must cultivate a relationship with your soul and continue to court it.

I have found time and time again that we must work to transform both our physical and emotional health in order to experience true and lasting purpose. It’s an entirely way of life, the foundation upon which the rest of our life is built.

To be will be able step through the portal of the underworld, to the other side, to a profoundly rich and rewarding life, you must have a guide who knows the terrain, who can walk beside you, helping you to remember the reason you are here.

The world needs your medicine and the unique magic that only you posses.

You deserve a rich, rewarding life as much as anyone else does. It is possible to integrate old pain and shift it into power, rendering it sacred.

In fact, this wound is precisely where your purpose is hidden.

Your purpose is the place where your greatest joy and a great need in the world intersect.

As much as you may want to believe that something or someone outside yourself will come and save you from having to do this work, it simply doesn’t work that way. Look in the mirror, friend. You’ve officially met your heroine: You are your own healer.


So, what is one action step that you can do today to begin to take steps toward embodying a more purposeful life? I may sound like a broken record, but…write it out.

Also, affirm it. Affirmations are a powerful way to cultivate awareness and shift neural pathways in the brain to help create long lasting change, immediately challenging and replacing those negative, limiting beliefs with uplifting, healthy, supportive messages. So, if you need a simple place to start, these are wonderful. Here are five simple affirmations to begin working with:

  • I accept responsibility for my life.

  • I am responsible for setting the pace of my journey.

  • I take responsibility for my dreams.

  • I choose who I want to surround myself with.

  • I am accountable for my problems and also my solutions.

  • I allow nature and my creative writing practice to support my thriving.

Let’s flip these into writing prompts you can explore at your leisure:

  • If I accepted responsibility for my life the next step I would take is…

  • This is the one action step I will take today to propel myself forward…

  • Where am I heading? What are my dreams? What do I really want, if I’m being honest with myself?

  • Am I surrounding myself with inspiring, uplifting people who want the best for me? If not, why not?

  • If I trusted my heart/body over my head today, I know that part of my solution involves…

  • This is how I will let nature and my creative writing practice support my thriving today…


Ready to get back in the driver’s seat of your life?


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